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About Us

Meet the founder of The New Style®, a proud native of Monterrey, Mexico. Growing up, Leonardo always had a passion for helping others embrace their individuality and express themselves through clothing. With the help of Kimberly's intelligence and drive, they were able to turn their dream of starting a business into reality. With a strong desire to make a positive impact in the world, Leonardo and Kimberly started The NewStyle® to provide high-quality, unique t-shirts that allow people to stand out and be true to themselves. Join us on our journey to empower individuals to confidently show off their true selves.

In the future, The NewStyle® plans to partner with various organizations to support causes such as education, poverty, and sports development for children. At the young age of 6, Leonardo discovered his passion for sports and at the age of 13 started his first job; coaching soccer, he saw the positive impact that sports can have on children's lives. This is why Leonardo wants to use the success of The New Style® to support underprivileged children by providing them with access to sports programs and equipment.

We believe that together, we can change the world. And it starts with one small step, like buying a t-shirt. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the world.